Learn the keys to creativity and why copying and building upon others works is more widespread than you think, from the arts to technology.
In the fields of learning and performance you need to push yourself relentlessly but not so much that you crack down. Just like muscles need to tear to grow, so does the brain needs to stretch beyond its ability to grow.
The famous 10 000 hour rule to achieve success came from this book. But time isn’t the only factor. Seized opportunities, luck and high intensity deliberate practice are some of the others.
David Allen created a masterpiece to reduce procrastination and increase productivity. A simple yet effective method based on using lists should make sure you consistently keep going forward.
Habits. We can’t live without them, and if taken to our advantage they can be extremely useful. But they can also be a pain to change. In this summary we’ll discover how habits are formed, how to form a habit that we want, and how to change habits that we want to get rid of.
Normal is to slave at a job Monday through Friday, save 10%, and repeat for 40 years. Will you even live 40 years? Even if you live, are you supposed to enjoy life right when it’s ending? You’re conditioned to accept normal based on society’s already corrupted definition of wealth, and because of it, normal itself is corrupted. Normal is modern-day slavery. Normal is condemnation to mediocrity.
The worst client is your best friend. Thank him, because when he complains about something he’s helping you correcting some problem. “Bank users, not money.” is part of Google’s mentality.
Guy Kawasaki has seen and invested in hundreds of startups, and thus has a very thorough perspective on what it takes to create one. Has a pragmatic person he, in this book, outlines a step-by-step plan on how to do it based on his vast experience.